I had a 4 year old kid in for a Snoring consultation
• Mouth Breather since birth
• Restless sleep with tossing & turning in bed all night along
• Strong Gag reflux due to Upper & Lower Narrow arches so eating hard food is a BIG challenge
• Can’t swallow a pill through the mouth , uses Anal route
• Since birth , he has experienced frequent Ear / Throat Infections, Congestions, Allergies, Eczema , Asthma, and Headaches
• Mouth breathing is harmful for the growth & development of kids
• Compromised immunity due to continued sleep degradation
• The kid has seen the pediatrician very frequently
• The Pediatrician was excellent at offering a steady flow of Antibiotics & Nebulizers & telling the parent that the kid will GROW out of it , In fact the kid is GROWING into it
• The parent was never informed about the root cause of the problem ie Tongue Tie & Narrow AIRWAYS
• An ENT suggested ear tubes be placed to drain the ears & removal of the tonsils & adenoids
• The kid was referred to our office by a friend of the parent for evaluation
• On Evaluation , Tongue tie , High Palate , Mouth breathing , Swollen Tonsils & Adenoids were detected
• Suggested Myofunctional Therapy ( MFT ) , Tongue Tie Release , Healthy Start Appliance , to address the root cause of these issues
• MFT is beneficial at all ages , with children being prime in growth & behavior modification seeing more rapid results
• MFT uses exercises to strengthen the Facial , Tongue And Throat muscles
• Nasal breathing is a critical component to our existence
• Every Improper & Inadequate breath impact our Oral Development , Airway Structure , Mental Health, Sleep , Digestion , & Blood Pressure
• At the same time , MFT is NOT a cure for everything
• People who suffer from genetic disorders, sleep apnea , major speech issues would not benefit or physically must mouth breathe
• Dental appliances , Tongue Tie Release ( if present ) , Diet modification are the other major associations that amplify the impact of MFT
• Dairy & Gluten are major inflammatory foods that must be eliminated entirely
• The Parent told me that when the kid is sick in the morning , she give over – the - counter medication & pray he could make it through the school day without getting sent home by the nurse , or she has to take a day off from work to stay with the kid , and get to the doctor’s office during daytime hours
• Let’s not even get into how miserable a sick kid will make her
There Is Definitely An Airway Connection To The Sleep, Breathing , Frequent Congestions , Ear And Throat Infections , And ADHD Problems