Invisalign® Clear Orthodontic Treatment for only $3,600
Phase I and Phase II treatment for children and teens
Ceramic braces for teens and adults
Invisalign® treatment for teens and adults
Orthodontics in conjunction with orthognathic (jaw) surgery
Here at 12 ms, we create smiles you love to share! If you have any questions about our practice, please contact us and we’ll be glad to assist you.

As an Airway Orthodontist with Connecticut dental health partnership for Husky health, Dr. Arora believes he has a great opportunity to improve patients' appearance, self-esteem as well as Airway
Dr Arora became passionate about helping people suffering from Sleep Apnea five years ago when he had his own battle with sleep apnea. He learned how destructive it is to the quality of life
It was interfering not only with his own sleep but also with his wife’s sleep
He was given a medically approved oral appliance. His interest in treating dental sleep medicine was piqued when the oral device successfully alleviated his own sleep apnea symptoms. He said, "When I realized how valuable this small appliance can be, I made my life mission improving and saving lives. Nothing can top the feeling of truly saving lives
He devoted his time and effort spreading awareness of sleep breathing disorders and curing other people who are suffering from this serious disease
The first patient Dr. Arora treated for sleep apnea was a 39-year-old male whose wife was sleeping in a different bedroom because she could not tolerate his loud snoring. After successful treatment his wife hugged Dr. Arora and said, "You have literally saved our marriage.”
Dr Arora treats kids age 2- 17 with Healthy Start Growth Appliances with great success
A Doctor could not expect any greater reward
D.D.S from NYU College of Dentistry
2 year Orthodontic Certificate from POS
Master Series Lingual Orthodontics certification
Certificate in Sleep disordered breathing for Children from Tufts University
Certificate in TMJ & Orofacial Pain from Tufts University
Certificate in Orofacial Pain & Beyond from Rutgers University
Certificate in TMJ & Orofacial Pain from University of Kentucky
Certificate in sleep apnea & TMJ from Jamison Spencer Lecture Series
Certificate in Healthy Start growth appliances
Certificate in Sleep Apnea from Sleep Group Solutions
Certificate in Tongue Tie release
Pediatric Symposium from American Laser Dentistry
Dr. Arora pursues continuing education courses to keep up with advances in TMJ & Sleep Apnea in Children & Adults