Follow these instructions carefully to ensure the successful healing of your tooth / teeth extractions :
During the First 24 hours :
It is important that blood clot forms on the extraction site to stop bleeding, reduce pain , and speed healing.
To protect the clot and avoid the pain of dry socket :
- Bite on the gauze pad firmly for 30 min
- Repeat with a clean gauze after 30 min
- the site can ooze for as long as 24 hours
- don’t spit and suck on candies or through a straw
- don’t rinse your mouth
- Brush gently on the site after 24 hours
- don’t smoke or use tobacco , Avoid Tobacco for at least 72 hours because it slows healing
- don’t sneeze or cough , so have sinus or allergy medications on hand if necessary
- limit yourself to calm activities and elevate your head with pillow when you lie down to reduce bleeding
- don’t drink hot , carbonated, or alcoholic drink and avoid hot or spicy foods
- Eat cold & soft things
After the first 24 hours :
- Begin to eat normally as soon as it is comfortable
- Resume brushing and flossing, but clean gently around the site for about a week
- Reduce soreness or swelling by applying moist heat , swelling usually starts to go down after 48 hours
- further reduce swelling by rinsing your mouth very gently with warm salt water
To Keep Swelling to a minimum :
- use an icebag over the area 20 min on and 20 min off
- when the numbness has worn off completely , drink lots of fluids and eat only soft nutritious food , chewing on the opposite side
When to call us :
-it is normal to experience some discomfort for several days after a tooth extraction, but call us right away if you have :
- Heavy or increased bleeding
- Pain or swelling that increases or continues beyond two or three days
- a bad taste or odor in your mouth
- a reaction to the medication